Jens Rydgren
Professor of Sociology

About me

I am Professor at Stockholm University, where I hold the Chair in Sociology (since 2009).

I graduated from Stockholm University in 2002, and I have been a visiting scholar at Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, Copenhagen University, and Utrecht University. I am a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters.

My main areas of research are political sociology and ethnic relations. More specifically, I have a longstanding interest in studying radical right-wing parties and their voters, with a particular focus on explaining variation over time and/or across countries. I am currently the PI of the research project "Why do working class voters support the populist radical right?," funded by the Swedish Research Council. But I also have a broader interest in general sociology and political science. 


Salo, S. and Rydgren, J. 2021. The Battle over Working Class Voters: How Social Democracy has Responded to the Populist Radical Right in the Nordic Countries. London: Routledge.

Rydgren, J. 2006. From Tax Populism to Ethnic Nationalism. Radical Right-wing Populism in Sweden. New York: Berghahn Books. [Edition in Swedish published in 2005]

Rydgren, J. 2003. The Populist Challenge. Political Protest and Ethno-nationalist Mobilization in France. New York: Berghahn Books.

Edited Books

Samers, M. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2024. Migration and Nationalism: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London: Edward Elgar. 

Rydgren, J. ed. 2018. The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right. New York: Oxford University Press.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2015. Sociologi genom litteratur: Skönlitteraturens möjligheter och samhällsvetenskapens begränsningar. Lund: Arkiv.

Rydgren, J. ed. 2012. Class Politics and the Radical Right. London: Routledge.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2010. Sociological Insights of Great Thinkers: Sociology through Literature, Philosophy, and Science. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2007. Social handling och sociala relationer. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Rydgren, J. ed. 2005. Movements of Exclusion. Radical Right-wing Populism in the Western World. New York: Nova Science.

Rydgren, J. and Widfeldt, A. eds. 2004. Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. Populism och parlamentarisk högerextremism i dagens Europa. Malmö: Liber.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Krzyzanowski, M., Wodak, R., Bradby, H., Gardell, M., Kallis, A., Krzyzanowska, N., Mudde, C. and Rydgren, J. 2023. "Discources and Practices of the 'New Normal': Towards an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda on Crisis and the Normalization of Anti- and Post-Democtatic Action." Journal of Language and Politics 22(4): 416-437.

Elgenius, G. and Rydgren, J. 2022. "Nationalism and the Politics of Nostalgia." Sociological Forum 37(S1): 1230-1243.

Jylhä, K., Rydgren, J. and Strimling, P. 2022. "Xenophobia among Radical and Mainstream Right-wing Party Voters: Prevalence, Correlates, and Influence on Party Support." Ethnic and Racial Studies 45(16): 261-286.

Gustafsson, N-K., Rydgren, J., Rostila, M. and Miething, A. 2021. "Social Network Characteristics and Alcohol Use by Ethnic Origin: An Ego-based Network Study on Peer Similarity, Social Relationships, and Co-existing Drinking Habits among Young Swedes." PLOS ONE 16(4): e0249120.

Rydgren, J. and Tyrberg, M. 2020. "Contextual Explanations of Radical Right-wing Party Support in Sweden: A Multi-Level Analysis." European Societies 22(5): 555-580.

Jylhä, K., Strimling, P. and Rydgren, J. 2020. "Climate Change Denial among Radical Right-Wing Supporters." Sustainability 12(23): 10226.

Rydgren, J. and van der Meiden, S. 2019. “The Radical Right and the End of Swedish Exceptionalism.” European Political Science 18(3): 439-455.

Jylhä, K., Rydgren, J. and Strimling, P. 2019. “Radical Right-wing Voters from Right and Left: Comparing Sweden Democrat Voters Who Previously Voted for the Conservative Party or the Social Democratic Party.” Scandinavian Political Studies 42(3): 220-244.

Elgenius, G. and Rydgren, J. 2019. “Frames of Nostalgia and Belonging: The Resurgence of Ethno-Nationalism in Sweden.” European Societies 21(4): 583-602.

Hällsten, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2019. “School’s Out Forever? Heavy Metal Preferences and Higher Education.” PLOS ONE: 1-20.

Odmalm, P. and Rydgren, J. 2019. “Introduction: Comparing and Reconceptualising the (Populist) Radical Right.” European Political Science 18(3): 373-378.

Andersson, A.B., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2018. “The Intersection of Class Origin and Immigration Background in Structuring Social Capital: The Role of Transnational Ties.” British Journal of Sociology: 69(1): 99-123.

Hällsten, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2018. “The Acculturation in Sweden of Adolescents of Iranian and Yugoslavian Origin.” Acta Sociologica: 61(2): 163-181.

Salo, S. and Rydgren, J. 2018. “Politicization of the Eurozone Crisis in Finland: Adaptation toward the Radical Right?” Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: 34(3): 234-257.

Mollenhorst, G.W., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2018. “Personal Networks and Crime Victimization among Swedish Youth.” Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention: 116-135.

Miething, A., Rostila, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2018. “The Peer Context of Dieting: The Relationship between Young Adults' Dieting and Their Friends Weight-Related Characteristics.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(12): 2744-2757.

Rydgren, J. 2017. “Radical Right-wing Parties in Europe: What’s Populism Got to Do With It?” Journal of Language and Politics: 16(4): 485-496.

Rydgren, J., Sofi, D. and Hällsten, M. 2017. “Divided by Memories? Beliefs about the Past, Ethnic Boundaries, and Trust in Northern Iraq.” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 9(1): 128-175.

Hällsten, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2017. “Social Capital, Friendship Networks, and Youth Unemployment.” Social Science Research 61(1): 234-250.

Miething, A., Rostila, M. and Rydgren, J. 2017. “Access to Occupational Networks and Ethnic Variation of Depressive Symptoms in Young Adults in Sweden.” Social Science & Medicine 190: 207-216.

Miething, A., Almquist, Y.B., Edling, C., Rydgren, J., and Rostila, M. 2017. “Friendship Trust and Psychological Well-being From Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach.” Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 45: 244-252.

Elgenius, G. and Rydgren, J. 2017. “The Sweden Democrats and the Ethno-nationalist Rhetoric of Decay and Betrayal.” Sociologisk Forskning 54(4): 353-358.

Andersson, A., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2017. “’In Sweden We Shake Hands’ - But Are We Really?” Sociologisk Forskning 54(4): 377-381.

Edling, C., Rydgren, J. and Sandell, R. 2016. “Terrorism, Belief Formation, and Residential Integration: Population Dynamics in the Aftermath of the 2004 Madrid Terror Bombings.”  American Behavioral Scientist 60: 1215-1231.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2016. “Social Mechanisms in Empirical Sociology: Introduction to Special Issue.” American Behavioral Scientist 60: 1135-1145.

Mollenhorst, G.W., van Duijn, M.A.J., Rydgren, J. and Edling, C.R. 2016. “Triadic Closure in Core Networks: Disentangling the Effects of Social Distance, National Origin Similarity and Shared Context.” International Review of Social Research 6(4): 146-162.

Miething, A., Rostila, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2016 “The Influence of Social Network Characteristics on Peer Clustering in Smoking: A Two-wave Panel Study of 19- and 23-old-Swedes.” PLOS ONE: 11(10): 1-11.

Miething, A., Almquist, Y.B., Östberg, V., Rostila, M., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2016. “Friendship Networks and Psychological Well-being from Late Adolescence to Young Adulthood: A Gender-specific Structural Equation Modeling Approach.” BMC Psychology 4(34): 1-11.

Hällsten, M., Edling, C.R. and Rydgren, J. 2015. “The Effects of Specific Occupations in Position Generator Measures of Social Capital.” Social Networks 40(1): 55-63.

Mollenhorst, G.W., Edling, C.R. and Rydgren, J. 2015. “Psychological Well-being and Brokerage in Friendship Networks of Young Swedes.” Social Indicators Research 123(3): 897-917.

Edling, C.R., Farkas, G.M. and Rydgren, J. 2015. “Integration of the Swedish Local Elite: The Role of Professional and Private Networks.” Scandinavian Political Studies 38(1): 49-74.

Edling, C.R., Rydgren, J. and Bohman, L. 2014. “Faith or Social Foci? Happiness, Religion, and Social Networks in Sweden.” European Sociological Review 30(5): 615-626.

Edling, C.R. and Rydgren, J. 2014. “Analytical Sociology: Bringing Culture and Identity Back In.” Sociologica 2/2014

Almquist, Y.B., Östberg, V., Rostila, M., Edling, C.R. and Rydgren, J. 2014. “Friendship Network Characteristics and Psychological Well-being in Late Adolescence: Exploring Differences by Gender and Gender Composition.” Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 42(2): 146-154.

Rydgren, J., Sofi, D. and Hällsten, M. 2013. “Interethnic Friendship, Trust, and Tolerance: Findings from Two North Iraqi Cities.” American Journal of Sociology 118(6): 1650-1694.

Rydgren, J. and Ruth, P. 2013. “Contextual Explanations of Radical Right-Wing Support in Sweden: Socioeconomic Marginalization, Group Threat, and the Halo Effect.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 36(4): 711-728.

Edling, C.R., Farkas, G.M. and Rydgren, J. 2013. “Women in Power? Sex Differences in Local Elite Networks.” Acta Sociologica 56(1): 21-40.

Barclay, K.J., Edling, C.R. and Rydgren, J. 2013. “Peer Clustering of Exercise and Eating Behaviors among Young Adults in Sweden: A Cross-sectional Study of Egocentric Networks.” BMC Public Health 13: 784.

Rostila, M., Almquist, Y.B., Östberg, V., Edling, C.R. and Rydgren, J. 2013. “Network Characteristics and Daily Smoking Among Young Adults in Sweden.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10(12): 6517-6533.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2012. “Neighborhood and Friendship Composition in Adolescence.” SAGE Open 2(4): DOI: 10.1177/2158244012466249

Rydgren, J. and Ruth, P. 2011. “Voting for the Radical Right in Swedish Municipalities: Social Marginality and Ethnic Competition?” Scandinavian Political Studies 34(3): 202-225.

Rydgren, J. 2011. “A legacy of ‘Uncivicness’? Social Capital and Radical Right-wing Voting in Eastern Europe.” Acta  Politica 46(2): 132-157.

Rydgren, J. and Sofi, D. 2011. “Interethnic Relations in Northern Iraq: Brokerage, Social Capital, and the Potential for Reconciliation.” International Sociology 26(1): 25-49.

Rydgren, J. 2010. “Radical Right-wing Populism in Denmark and Sweden: Explaining Party System Change and Stability.” The SAIS Review of International Affairs 30(1): 57-71.

Rydgren, J. 2009. “Social Isolation? Social Capital and Radical Right-wing Voting in Western Europe.” Journal of Civil Society 5(2): 129-150.

Rydgren, J. 2008. “Immigration Sceptics, Xenophobes, or Racists? Radical Right-wing Voting in Six West European Countries.” European Journal of Political Research 47:737-765.

Rydgren, J. 2007. “The Sociology of the Radical Right.” Annual Review of Sociology 33: 241-262.

Rydgren, J. 2007. “The Power of the Past. A Contribution to a Cognitive Sociology of Ethnic Conflict.” Sociological Theory 25(3): 225-244.

Rydgren, J. 2005. “Is Extreme Right-wing Populism Contagious? Explaining the Emergence of a New Party Family.” European Journal of Political Research 44: 413-437.

Rydgren, J. 2005. “Bridging Different Worlds? Economy, Politics, and Brokerage Roles in Sweden.” Acta Sociologica 48(2): 117–129.

Rydgren, J. 2004. “The Logic of Xenophobia.” Rationality and Society 16(2): 123-148.

Rydgren, J. 2004. “Explaining the Emergence of Radical Right-wing Populism: The Case of Denmark.” West European Politics 27(3): 474-502.

Rydgren, J. 2004. “Mechanisms of Exclusion: Ethnic Discrimination in the Swedish Labour Market.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30(4): 697-716.

Rydgren, J. and Van Holsteyn, J. 2004. “Holland and Pim Fortuyn: A Deviant Case or the Beginning of Something New?” Current Politics and Economics of Europe 13(3): 209-238.

Rydgren, J. 2003. “Meso-level Reasons for Racism and Xenophobia: Some Converging and Divergent Effects of Radical Right Populism in France and Sweden.” European Journal of Social Theory 6(1): 45-68.

Rydgren, J. 2002. “Radical Right Populism in Sweden: Still a Failure, But for How Long?” Scandinavian Political Studies 25(1): 27-56.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Elgenius, G. and Rydgren, J. 2024. "The Politics of Ethnic Nationalism, Nostalgia, and Anti-Immigrant Framing: The Trajectory of the Sweden Democrats 1989-2022," in Samers, M. and Rydgren, J. eds. Migration and Nationalism: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London: Edward Elgar.

Samers, M. and Rydgren, J. 2024. "Introduction: Migration and Nationalism," in Samers, M. and Rydgren, J. eds. Migration and Nationalism: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London: Edward Elgar.

Rydgren, J. and Switzer, R. 2023. "Extreme Right," in Grasso, M. and Giugni, M. eds. Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. Cheltenhm, UK: Edward Elgar.

Rydgren, J. 2022. "Nationalism och populism i dagens Europa: Hur kan vi förklara framväxten av de radikala högerpartierna?" Kungliga Vitterhetsakademiens årsbok 2022. Stockholm.

Switzer, R. and Rydgren, J. 2022. "Radical Right (Scandinavia)," in Snow, D., della Porta, D., Klandermans, B. and McAdam, D. eds. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. 2nd ed. London: Wiley.

Rydgren, J. 2018. “The Radical Right: An Introduction,” in Rydgren, J. ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right. New York: Oxford University Press.

Edling, C., Farkas, G. and Rydgren, J. 2018. ”Representation och integration i lokala eliter,” in Eriksson, B., Holmqvist, M. and Sohl, L. eds. Eliter i Sverige: Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på makt, status och klass. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Mollenhorst, G.W., Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2017. “Changes in the Personal Networks of Young Immigrants in Sweden,” in Herold, M. and Contini, R.M. eds. Living in two Homes: Integration and Education of Transnational Migrants in a Globalized World. London: Emerald.

Rydgren, J. 2015. ”Hans Christian Andersen: Konformitet och pluralistisk ignorans,” in Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. Sociologi genom litteratur. Lund: Arkiv.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2015. ”Inledning,” in Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. Sociologi genom litteratur. Lund: Arkiv.

Rydgren, J. 2014. “Xenophobia: The Role of Political Articulation,” in Vertovec, S. ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies. London: Routledge.

Rydgren, J. 2012. “Class Politics and the Radical Right: An Introduction,” in Rydgren, J. ed. Class Politics and the Radical Right. London: Routledge.

Rydgren, J. 2012. ”Radikal högerpopulism - ett hot mot EU:s sammanhållning i spåren av den ekonomiska krisen?” in Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, A., Oxelheim, L. and Persson, T. eds. Arbetslöshet, migrationspolitik och nationalism - hot mot EU:s sammanhållning? Stockholm: Santérus.

Rydgren, J. 2011. “Xenophobia and Radical Right-wing Populism: A Vicious Circle,” in Robertson-von Trotha, C. Y. ed. Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland und Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Rydgren, J. 2010. “Marcel Proust: Status Groups and Capital Forms,” in Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds.  Sociological Insights of Great Thinkers: Sociology through Literature, Philosophy, and Science. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2010. “Introduction,” in Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. Sociological Insights of Great Thinkers: Sociology through Literature, Philosophy, and Science. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2010. “Auf der Suche nach Identität: Analytische Soziologie und die Makro-Mikro Verbindung,“ in Kron, T. and Grund, T. eds. Die Analytische Soziologie in Der Diskussion. Vs Verlag.

Rydgren, J. 2010. ”Den radikala högerns sociologi,” in Deland, M., Hertzberg, F. and Hvitfeldt, T. eds. Det vita fältet: Samtida forskning om högerextremism. Uppsala: Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia.

Rydgren, J. 2009. “Beliefs,” in Hedström, P. and Bearman, P. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rydgren, J. “Shared Beliefs About the Past: Toward a Cognitive Sociology of Intersubjective Memory,” in Hedström, P. and Wittrock, B. eds. The Frontiers of Sociology. Amsterdam: Brill.

Rydgren, J. 2007. “Conformity,” in Darity, W. A. ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Macmillan.

Rydgren, J. 2007. “The Front National and Populism in France,” in McDonnell, D. and Albertazzi. eds. Twenty-first Century Populism: The Spectre of Western European Democracy. Palgrave.

Rydgren, J. 2007. “Sweden: The Scandinavian Exception,” in McDonnell, D. and Albertazzi. eds. Twenty-first Century Populism: The Spectre of Western European Democracy. Palgrave.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2007. ”Social handling och sociala relationer,” in Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. Social handling och sociala relationer. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2007. ”Social nätverksteori,”  in Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. Social handling och sociala relationer. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2007. ”Spelteori,” in Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. Social handling och sociala relationer. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Rydgren, J. 2006. “Xenophobia,” in Jackson, Y. ed. Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.

Rydgren, J. 2006. “Vom Wohlfahrtschauvinismus zur ideologisch begründeten Fremdenfeindlichkeit: Rechtspopulismus in Schweden und Dänemark,“ in Decker, F. ed. Populismus: Gefahr für die Demokratie oder Nützliches Korrektiv? Wiesbaden: Vs Verlag.

Rydgren, J. 2005. “Introduction. Radical Right-wing Populism in the Western World,” in  Rydgren, J. ed. 2005. Movements of Exclusion. Radical Right-wing Populism in the Western World. New York: Nova Science.

Rydgren, J. 2004. ”Nationella fronten: etnisk nationalism och politiskt missnöje i Frankrike,” in  Rydgren, J. and Widfeldt, A. eds. 2004. Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. Populism och parlamentarisk högerextremism i dagens Europa. Malmö: Liber.

Rydgren, J. 2004. ”Från skattemissnöje till etnisk nationalism: 15 år med svensk radikalhögerpopulism,” in  Rydgren, J. and Widfeldt, A. eds. 2004. Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. Populism och parlamentarisk högerextremism i dagens Europa. Malmö: Liber.

Rydgren, J. 2004. ”Vad är radikal högerpopulism?,” in  Rydgren, J. and Widfeldt, A. eds. 2004. Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. Populism och parlamentarisk högerextremism i dagens Europa. Malmö: Liber.

Van Holsteyn, J. and Rydgren, J. 2004. ”Pim Fortuyn: den holländske populisten,”  Rydgren, J. and Widfeldt, A. eds. 2004. Från Le Pen till Pim Fortuyn. Populism och parlamentarisk högerextremism i dagens Europa. Malmö: Liber.

Rydgren, J. 2000. “Prejudiced Inferences: The Socio-Cognitive Basis of Xenophobia,” in Apollon, D., Fure, O-D., and Svåsand, L. Eds. Approaching a New Millennium. Lessons from the Past, Prospects for the Future. Bergen: HIT Centre/ISSEI 2000.

Articles in non-Refereed Journals, Reports, and Working Papers

Rydgren, J. and Tyrberg, M. 2024. "Working-Class Voters Supporting the Radical Right: Do Trade Unions Have a Shielding Effect?" The Department of Sociology Working Paper Series 47, Stockholm University.

Salo, S., Rydgren, J. and Odmalm, P. 2024. "Divided We Fall? Negotiating Responses to a Radical Right-wing Party within the Swedish Labour Movement." The Department of Sociology Working Paper Series 46, Stockholm University.

Jylhä, K., Rydgren, J. and Strimling, P. 2019. Sweden Democrat Voters: Who Are They, Where Do They Come From, and Where Are They Headed? Research Report 1/2019. The Institute for Future Studies.

Jylhä, K.M., Rydgren, J. and Strimling, P. 2018. Sverigedemokraternas väljare: vilka är de, var kommer de ifrån och vart är de på väg? Forskningsrapport 2018/2. Stockholm: Institutet för framtidsstudier.

Palm, J. and Rydgren, J. 2018. Ojämlikhet och radikala högerpartier. Stockholm: LO.

Rydgren, J., Jylhä, K. and Strimling, P. 2018. ”Stor risk att Socialdemokraternas nya strategi misslyckas.” Arena Essä (May 16, 2018)

Goldschmidt, T., Hällsten, M. and Rydgren, J. 2017. “Are They Hunkering Down? Revisiting the Relationship between Exposure to Ethnic Diversity, Intergroup Contact, and Group Trust.” The Department of Sociology Working Paper Series 30, Stockholm University.

Goldschmidt, T. and Rydgren, J. 2015. “Welfare for Natives Only or No Welfare At All? Immigrant Unemployment, Workplace Encounters, and Majority Attitudes Toward Social Spending in Sweden.” The Department of Sociology Working Paper Series 22/2015. Stockholm University.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2012. ”De personliga nätverkens betydelse.” Framtider 3/2012: 27-30.

Rydgren, J. 2009. “How Party Organization Matters: Understanding the Ups and Downs of Radical Right-wing Populism in Sweden.” The Department of Sociology Working Paper Series 17/2009. Stockholm University.

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. 2009. ”Socialt kapital och arbetsmarknads-integration." Intervjuaren 3/2009: 6-8.

Rydgren, J. 2005. “The Role of Social Networks in Ethnic Conflicts: Locality and Escalation.” The Department of Sociology Working Paper Series, 1/2005. Department of Sociology, Stockholm University.

Ahrne, G., Rydgren, J. and Sörbom, A. 2005. “Politics and Globalization: Bringing Parties In.” Score Working Papers 2005-7. Score, Stockholm University.

Rydgren, J. 2004. “Radical Right-wing Populism in Sweden and Denmark.” The Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society Papers, No. 5. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Rydgren, J. 2003. “Varför inte i Sverige? Om den radikala högerpopulismens relativa misslyckande.“ Arkiv för studier i arbetarrörelsens historia, 86: 1-34.

Rydgren, J. 2002. Political Protest and Ethno-Nationalist Mobilization: The Case of the French Front National. Stockholm Studies on Social Mechanisms, 5. [PhD dissertation]

Edited Special Issues

Elgenius, G. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2022. Nationalism and the Politics of Nostalgia. Sociological Forum 37(S1)

Odmalm, P. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2018. Comparing and Reconceptualising the (Populist) Radical Right. European Political Science: 18(3).

Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2016. An Invitation to Social Mechanisms: Micro Foundations in Empirical Social Science. American Behavioral Scientist: 60.

Ruzza, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2011. Populism and Civil Society. Acta Politica: 46(2).

Book Reviews

Rydgren, J. 2009. “Cas Mudde: Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe.” American Journal of Sociology 114(5): 1551-1553.

Rydgren, J. 2004. “Erik Bleich: Race Politics in Britain and France: Ideas and Policymaking since the 1960s.” e-Extreme, 4(1).

Rydgren, J. 2002. “Pascal Perrineau, Les croisés de la société fermée. L'Europe des extrêmes droites.” e-Extreme, 3(3).

Rydgren, J. 2001. “Östen Wahlbeck: Kurdish Diasporas: A Comparative Study of Kurdish RefugeeCommunities.” Contemporary Sociology, 30(6): 600-601.